Sonntag, 16. September 2012
Montag, 10. September 2012
Stars and their cameras - Bruce Lee
That camera is almost certainly a Nikon F2 with the standard (non-metered) finder. Just below the camera you can see the motor drive (MD1) and battery pack. It looks like he is using a teleconverter plus a telephoto lens. I'm not sure which lens would have been avaiable prior to 1973 (when Bruce Lee died) that had strap lugs on it.
That's Bruce Lee. He doesn't need a tripod, he doesn't shake.
I love the expression on his face. One really wonders what he was taking a picture of. Looks like the subject will not survive this shooting...
Freitag, 24. August 2012
Stars and their cameras - The Queen
The one in the picture above looks like an M3 to me. User petebown wonders what that one's worth on eBay?
User Treb on Rangefinderforum says that the Queen today is the proud owner of a Leica M6 according to "Magic Moments,
40 years of Leica M". Treb even owns a picture on which the Queen is holding a silver chrome M6 with what
looks like a black chrome 50mm Summicron in an ERC. The picture was published in the german magazine Color Foto "Sonderdruck 40
Jahre Leica M Kameras Fotografie pur" dating may 1994. There's also a picture of her with her M6 in LFI "Sonderheft Leica M6".
Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012
Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012
Stars and their cameras - Miles Davis
Miles Davis with his Leica on the cover of the Live at Newport 1958. In an
1976-interview by Sy Johnson Miles talks about the Leica he got in
Germany and how much he liked it. He said he had the clerk set the shutter speed
and aperture at the store when he bought the camera and hadn't changed them
Dienstag, 20. März 2012
Stars and their cameras - Brad Pitt
x17online berichtet, dass Brad Pitts Leica S2 in Budapest gestohlen wurde. Eine neue Leica S2-37,5-Megapixel-Kamera kostet immerhin 23'000 Dollar, ohne Objektive. Auf der website von x17online sieht man eine Reihe von Bildern von Brad Pitt, fotografierend mit seiner Kamera, nur Stunden bevor sie gestohlen wurde. Die Kamera sieht aber viel eher nach einer Leica R8 aus und nicht nach einer S2. Es scheint also, dass auch Brad Pitt, wie Sofia Coppola, noch immer auf Filmkameras setzt und nicht auf digitale.
Die Quelle, die die Geschichte x17online zugetragen hat, sagte dem Portal, dass sich auf der Speicherkarte in der Kamera sehr persönliche Fotos befunden hätten und dass Brad Pitt sich Sorgen mache, die Bilder könnten an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen.
Wie er die Speicherkarte in die Filmkamera installiert hat, bleibt sicher Brads Geheimnis.
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